The clerk explained that a polymer frame cost less to produce than the aluminum frame of the P89 and reduced the gun's weight by a few ounces. This model's full designation is KP95DC, with the K indicating a stainless steel slide and DC standing for “Decocker Only.” Introduced to the market in 1996, the P95 series was the first pistol model Ruger offered with a high-strength, fiberglass-reinforced polyurethane frame (based on Dow Chemical's Isoplast polymer). It was a brand new Ruger P95 pistol chambered in 9 mm. I found it at a small sporting goods store off of Main Street.

Times were tight, so much so that during those years we experienced the unforgettable Semester-O'-Ramen, a long winter stretch in which no less than one meal a day (sometimes more) consisted of a single package of what we now call “our favorite food substitute.” But, by 1998 I had squirreled away enough cash in my meager shooting budget to purchase a less expensive handgun. Home computing enthusiasts were busily Hotmailing each other at blistering 56k dial-up modem speeds, and President Bill Clinton was dancing the verbal two-step regarding the word "is."Īt that time, my wife and I were both working our way through school in a small college town.

The XVIII Winter Olympics were held in Nagano, Japan. The year 1998 was filled with memorable (if not all positive) events.